Gnani Purush Dadashri presents Aptavani 12 with Compassion Beyond Words

Aptavani 12 is in two major Volumes of 950 pages total.

It is being offered to the awakened One, 'You' mahatma through the active Grace of Pujya Niruma and Pujya Deepakbhai

Here are the download links.

Aptavani 12 Volume One Chapter One 147 Pages : Baltimore June 2010 Shibir Study Material

Aptavani 12 Volume Two: The Importance of Penance : Isle of Wight Shinir 2010 

Aptavani 12 Volume Two: The Importance of Agna 

More chapters from Aptavani 12: Volume 1 Chapters 4 7 & 9 : Baltimore Shibir

Complete pdf of Baltimore Shibir Study Material 

Entire Book Aptavani 12 Vol 1

Entire Book Aptavani 12 Vol 2

Aptavani 12 Vol 1 and Vol 2 Other Versions without Images

Library of Akram Vignan




Sarvagnya na Soocharanoma





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Jai Sat Chit Anand



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